Poslanstvo TECES je zagotavljanje podpornega inovacijskega okolja za učinkovitejše povezovanje ter ustvarjanje sinergij naših članov in deležnikov preko vključevanja v razne skupne aktivnosti na področju zelenih tehnologij in energetsko učinkovitih rešitev.

Zato z veseljem predstavljamo nove aktivnosti in dogodke pod novo celostno podobo SYeNERGY. Namenjene so povezovanju naših članov, partnerjev in deležnikov, iskanju idej ter skupnih rešitev, prenosu znanja in deljenju izkušenj, medsebojnemu spoznavanju ter druženju.

Prvi izredno uspešen dogodek pod podobo SYeNERGY smo organizirali februarja 2020 v pustnem času na Ptuju (več o dogodku). Gostili smo govorce iz uspešnih in mednarodno prodornih slovenskih podjetij in ob tem ponudili še vrsto drugih zanimivih vsebin.

Odlično vzdušje, pozitivni odzivi sodelujočih do dogodka in slogana SYeNERGY, kasneje v letu 2020 pa popolno predrugačenje razumevanja organizacije dogodkov zaradi COVID, so nas spodbudili k pripravi novega koncepta aktivnosti TECES pod podobo SYeNERGY.

The implementation of the International Conference SZE 2021: Energy Supply and Use in Smart Building and Homes between 28 and 29 June 2021 was a sheer success!

This time, the Slovenian Energy Association (SZE) was joined in the organization by TECES and the partnership SRIP Smart Buildings and Home with a Wood Chain.

The conference at the Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorose, Slovenia, was attended by over 90 participants, and some followed the online programme. The main topic, Supply and use of energy in smart buildings and homes, highlighted current energy topics in the development of smart buildings and homes in urban environments, connections with the digitalization process and presenting the important the role of man in such a modern environment.

Domestic and foreign experts presented 42 professional papers, highlighting trends and innovations in the field. An excellent business environment was created for the exchange of opinions, the presentation of examples of successful practices and networking for the establishment of new business opportunities.

TECES joined the organization of the conference as a strategic partner, as our 20-year mission is to connect stakeholders and create synergies in the field of green technologies and energy efficient solutions.

V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2019, je bila v Ljubljani na Zavodu za gradbeništvo 9. seja Upravnega odbora SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo. Seja je bila namenjena imenovanju ključnih funkcij SRIP PSiDL po preteku dvoletnega mandata predsedniku UO, direktorju in projektni pisarni. UO je tako potrdil zamenjavo dveh članov Strokovnega sveta ter podal osnovna izhodišča načrtovane prenove akcijskega načrta.

V partnerstvo SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo je pristopilo pet novih članov; ADRIA DOM d.o.o., ELVEZ d.o.o., Slovensko združenje za energetiko, LEA Sp. Podravje  in SAŠA inkubator d.o.o.. Vsi novi člani so hkrati postali tudi člani TECES. Sinergije povezovanja so dale že prve uspešne rezultate.

V petek, 15. marca 2019, je bila v Ljubljani na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije uspešno zaključena 2. seja Skupščine članov SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo, ki se je je udeležilo več kot 50 predstavnikov članov. Šlo je za volilno skupščino SRIP, na kateri so člani potrdili nove člane Upravnega odbora SRIP, saj je dosedanjim potekel dveletni mandat.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

At TECES we are very proud of our role in the Home24h project. We have been actively participating in the project since the initial outline and design of the partnership. We coordinated all activities to prepare the project proposal for the public call, and are now responsible for coordinating the project’s implementation, as well as monitoring its progress and meeting of targets.

Smart Buildings and Home including Wood Chain (SRIP PSiDL) is taking part in the revision of Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4), as part of Slovenia’s preparatory efforts for the new European cohesion policy in the programming period 2021–2027. At the same time, SRIP PSiDL has revised its own action plan for the period 2020–2022.

The revised action plan for 2020–2022 is based on the experience gained in SRIP’s three years of operation and represents an evolution of the SRIP PSiDL operation as it was initially devised in SRIP’s basic action plan for the period 2017–2019. The need to revise the plan arose as a consequence of increasing digitalisation and the intertwining of solutions for smart and sustainable buildings and their integration into the smart communities of the future, against the increasingly diverse demands and needs of users.

The draft of the revised Action Plan SRIP PSiDL for the period 2020–2022 is now under discussion, its content being harmonised by the key ministries before it enters the next round of the “entrepreneurial discovery” process in S4’s revision. It is expected that the revision will be completed by the end of 2020.

9. septembra in 10. oktobra 2018, je Združenje lesne in pohištvene industrije pri GZS, organiziralo dva študijska gleda referenčnih lesenih objektov različne tipologije in namena uporabe.

Že uporabljate moderne pristope pridobivanja kadrov? Rešujete poslovne izzive in hkrati krepite svojo blagovno znamko?

Predlagamo vam spletni SYeNERGY HEKATON, ki združuje vse tri istočasno! Namenjen je pridobitvi inovativnih in kreativnih rešitev na zastavljen izziv podjetja, pridobitvi CV-jev udeležencev, vpogled v njihov način razmišljanja in dela ob hkratni krepitvi blagovne znamke vključenih podjetij.

SYeNERGY HEKATON je spletni dogodek, na katerem udeleženci rešujejo določen izziv podjetja na sodoben način v določenem časovnem obdobju in na temu namenjeni spletni platformi.

SYeNERGY HEKATON je partnerska storitev TECES in portala MojeDelo.com. Razvili smo v podporo podjetjem pri iskanju rešitev za svoje kadrovske in  strokovne izzive.

IZKORISTITE ODLIČNO PRILOŽNOST, da se predstavite kot odličen delodajalec in pritegnite najboljše kadre.

Člani partnerstva TECES in SRIP Pametne stavbe lahko izkoristite do 20% ugodnejšo izvedbo dogodka.

Supported by TECES SLO

In May, TECES joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A), which brings together stakeholders from industry, national and local public authorities, civil society and other stakeholders. The Alliance is the main consultative body for the implementation of the hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe, for the development of an investment program to promote the introduction of hydrogen and the establishment of a concrete set of projects.

We were accepted on the basis of the experience in managing the SHIFC platform - Slovenian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Platform, which operated between 2005-2010, and enabled the participation of more than 30 Slovenian partners (companies, institutes, universities, research organizations).

Through the membership in ECH2A, TECES aims to raise awareness at national level of the use of clean hydrogen in the industrial pillars: - hydrogen production; - transmission and distribution of hydrogen; - hydrogen for industrial use; - hydrogen for mobility; - hydrogen in the energy sector; and - hydrogen for residential purposes

About the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A) brings together industry, national and local public authorities, civil society and other stakeholders. It is the EU's main consultative body for the implementation of The Hydrogen Strategy for Climate-Neutral Europe, for the development of an investment plan to promote the introduction of production and use of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, and consequently for the preparation of concrete project investements.
Key ECH2A mesures supported by TECES through accession to the Alliance: - implementation of the EU Investment Plan, - stimulating demand and increasing production, - creating an enabling and supporting framework: support programs, market rules and infrastructure, - promoting hydrogen research and innovation strengthening the international dimension.

The ECH2A implementation element consists of six thematic working groups/round tables including the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to end use. 

  • Hydrogen production, which includes electrolyzers, solar / wind / hydro, plant engineering, equipment, materials, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and pyrolysis.
  • Transmission and distribution of clean hydrogen, focusing on pipelines, liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), liquid hydrogen (LH2) and ports.
  • Clean hydrogen in industrial use, includes steel, chemicals, refineries, eKerosin / eFuel, fertilizers, industrial heat and cement.
  • Clean hydrogen for mobility, which includes trucks / buses, light trucks, trains, ships, fuel cells, propulsion trains, tanks and hydrogen supply stations (HRS)
  • Clean hydrogen in the energy sector, where topics covered include re-electrification, mega storage and grid balancing.
  • Clean hydrogen for residential purposes, which includes district heating, combined heat and power (CHP) and solid oxide fuel cells.

The potential of hydrogen technologies

Hydrogen is gaining more and more attention in Europe and around the world. It can be used as a raw material, fuel or energy carrier in transmission and storage and offers many possibilities for use in the industrial, transport, electricity and construction sectors.

Most importantly, it does not cause CO2 emissions when used and does not pollute the air. It offers a solution to decarbonise industrial processes and economic sectors where reducing CO2 are necessary and difficult to achieve. As a result, hydrogen is becoming an essential element of the EU's commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Nevertheless, hydrogen now accounts for only a modest proportion of the global and European energy mix and is still produced mainly from fossil fuels, especially natural gas, or coal, and emits 70 to 100 million tonnes of CO2 a year in the EU. We have seen periods of increased interest in hydrogen in the past, but this has not materialized. Today, however, the rapid reduction of energy costs from renewable sources, technological developments, and the urgent need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Expectations from the ECH2A membership

Members of all three partnerships under the auspices of TECES, such as SRIP Smart Buildings and Home with a Wood Chain and the Slovenian Partnership for Energy and Environment in the Field of Defence (SiEnE) will be informed about ECH2A activities and opportunities for integration.

TECES will follow the findings of learning events and working groups (6) aiming to facilitate research, development, and innovation cooperation projects.

The first such event planned is a meeting of all ECH2A members in line of the European Hydrogen Forum between 17 and 18 June 2021.

As from October 2020, TECES has been conducting a feasibility study on ways of developing smart deployable infrastructure or Smart Deployable Camps (SmartCamp) under a public procurement contract for the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (MoD).

The aim of the R&D study is to analyse the state of technology and relevant global trends in SmartCamps, with a focus on research & development, and the technological and innovation capacities of Slovenian stakeholders. It also aims to define a vision, development strategy and draft concept for a specific plan of implementation for SmartCamps for the next 10 years.

TECES s ciljem krepitve sinergije med člani in podpore aktivnostim na področjih delovanja partnerstva TECES / SRIP PSiDL usmerja 125.000 € v podporo teh aktivnosti. Podprte aktivnosti morajo biti skladne usmeritvam partnerstva na področjih krepitve skupnega razvoja in raziskav, razvojno strateških (dobavnih) verig vrednosti med nosilci verig, dobavitelji in uporabniki rešitev, internacionalizacije, mednarodnega sodelovanja in prepoznavnosti ter usposabljanja in izobraževanja zaposlenih.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, the first TECES: SYeNERGY event was organized in the exceptional environment of the Dominican Monastery in Ptuj. A deep discussion on technological and social trends, digitalisation, related new business models, sustainability and human resources challenges were presented by keynote speakers from globally oriented companies. Emphasis of the event was placed on fostering networking and creating synergies between companies, educational institutions, the state, start-ups and others.

The event was attended by more than 100 participants, including more than 40% of management staff. We were also greeted by group of Kurents (Korants), traditional and mystical carnival figures, who brought to the beautiful monastery ambience a touch of town Ptuj and adjoining villages, as a carnival center of Slovenia.

V sredo, 29. januarja 2020, smo v prostorih bivše vojaške gimnazije v Ljubljani uspešno izvedli delavnico »Vključevanje slovenskih partnerjev v programe energija in okolje Evropske obrambne agencije (EDA)«, ki je potekala v organizaciji Ministrstva za obrambo RS (MORS) in TECES.

V marcu 2019 je vlada ustanovila Delovno skupino za podporo izvajanju Slovenske strategije pametne specializacije (S4), ki se je prvič sestala 19. aprila 2019 s ciljem pregleda izvajanja in analize napredka implementacije S4. Ugotovitev delovne skupine je bila, da je v prvih treh letih izvajanja strategije pametne specializacije opazen kvalitativen napredek, vendar je potrebno izvajanje še poglobiti in pospešiti. To daje vsem nosilcem in koordinatorjem strateških razvojnih inovacijskih partnerstev (SRIP) dodatno spodbudo konkretizaciji zastavljenih aktivnosti in krepitvi strateških razvojnih partnerstev ter prenovi akcijskih načrtov. Tudi v partnerstvu SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo bo v letu 2019 skupaj s člani potekala prenova poslovno-razvojne strategije in akcijskega načrta znotraj na področjih skupnega razvoja in verig vrednosti, internacionalizacije in podpore razvoju kadrov.

Monday, 25 March 2019 10:52

V SRIP PSiDL pristopilo 11 novih članov

V petek, 15. marca 2019, je Upravni odbor SRIP PSiDL potrdil članstvo 11-im novim članom.

V SRIP PSiDL so se pridružili:

  1. SIPRONIKA d.o.o., Ljubljana, primarno področje Aktivno upravljanje stavb
  2. TECOS, Orodjarski grozd Slovenije, primarno področje Pametne naprave in sistemi
  3. SMARTIS d.o.o., primarno področje Aktivno upravljanje stavb
  4. ENERTEC d.o.o., primarno področje Pametne naprave in sistemi
  5. SALONIT d.d., primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  6. STRUCTUM d.o.o., primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  7. ZDRUŽENJE SiBIM, primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  8. ZDRUŽENJE ZA BETON, primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  9. FAKULTETA ZA ARHITEKTURO UL, primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  10. STANOVANJSKI SKLAD RS, primarno področje Napredni nebiogeni gradbeni proizvodi
  11. POHIŠTVO POTOČNIK s.p., primarno področje Les in lesa veriga

SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo je od 2017 eden izmed 9 ključnih dolgoročnih partnerstev v podporo izvajanju Strategije pametne specializacije Slovenije (S4), ki združuje več kot 73 članov iz področij lesa in lesne verige, naprednih gradbenih proizvodov, pametnih naprav in sistemov ter naprednega upravljanja stavb. Koordinirajo ga tri združenja; Združenje lesne in pohištvene industrije pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije (GZS ZLPI), Zavod za trajnostno in inovativno gradbeništvo (Z TIGR) in inovacijski grozd TECES.

Več o Strategije pametne specializacije Slovenije (S4) in vlogi SRIP PSiDL.

Včeraj se je uspešno zaključila mednarodna dvodnevna konferenca FUTURE 4.0, ki je potekala med 19. in 20. novembrom 2019 v Velenju. Dogodek, primarno namenjen povezovanju podjetij - korporacij in startupov na področju Industrije 4.0, je potekal v organizaciji SAŠA INKUBATORJA s podporo raznih organizacij, tudi članov partnerstva TECES in SRIP PSiDL.

Veseli nas, da smo pri tokratnem dogodku FUTURE 4.0 2019 sodelovali kot strateški partner in omogočili uspešno izvedbo in zaključek dogodka.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019 15:14

Vzpostavljen KATALOG DOGODKOV s podporo TECES

S ciljem krepitve sinergije med člani in podpore aktivnostim na področjih delovanja partnerstva TECES / SRIP PSiDL smo vzpostavili spletni KATALOG DOGODKOV s podporo TECES.

V sredo, 29. maja 2019, smo v Mariboru izvedli prvi posvet članov, ki je bil namenjen pregledu potreb in zmožnostim mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij članov TECES / SRIP PSiDL. V sproščenem pogovoru je bilo največ zaznanega interesa usmerjeno v iskanje možnosti podpore partnerstva na področjih skupnega razvoja in verig vrednosti. Največji izziv podjetjem predstavlja zahteva po vedno večji povezljivosti in integraciji rešitev v vertikalnih verigah vrednosti v navezavi na IoT (Internet of Things) in z njim povezano digitalizacijo. Izpostavljena je bila tudi potreba povečanja promocije medsebojno uspešnih zgodb članov in rezultatov sodelovanja.

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