Nove tehnologije vedno znova in vse hitreje vplivajo na razvoj družbenih sprememb, različne procese v tehnološkem in vsakdanjem življenju. V TECES se slednjega zavedamo, zato s partnerskim odnosom med svojimi člani ustvarjamo pogoje za vzpostavljanje strateških razvojnih partnerstev.

V ponedeljek, 11. februarja 2019, je na GZS potekala strokovna konferenca o prihodnosti bivanja in gradenj, integraciji pametnih domov v pametna mesta in skupnosti z naslovom "Prihodnost bivanja". Konferenca je spadala tudi pod aktivnosti EU Cluster Weeks 2018-2019. Ob tem dogodku je bila tudi otvoritev razstave "Prihodnost bivanja". Razstava predstavlja dosežke slovenskih podjetij na področju prihodnosti bivanja in bo na ogled do 11. aprila 2019. Razstavo organizira GZS ob sodelovanju s SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo, Ministrstvom za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve in javno agencijo Spirit. 

Dogodek in razstavo smo v TECES / SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo zaznali kot odlično priložnost za povezovanje in predstavitev najpomembnejših razvojnih rešitev naših članov, zato se tudi v okviru posebne ponudbe za člane predstavlja na razstavi kar 6 naših članov.

V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2019, je bila v Ljubljani na Zavodu za gradbeništvo 9. seja Upravnega odbora SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo. Seja je bila namenjena imenovanju ključnih funkcij SRIP PSiDL po preteku dvoletnega mandata predsedniku UO, direktorju in projektni pisarni. UO je tako potrdil zamenjavo dveh članov Strokovnega sveta ter podal osnovna izhodišča načrtovane prenove akcijskega načrta.

V partnerstvo SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo je pristopilo pet novih članov; ADRIA DOM d.o.o., ELVEZ d.o.o., Slovensko združenje za energetiko, LEA Sp. Podravje  in SAŠA inkubator d.o.o.. Vsi novi člani so hkrati postali tudi člani TECES. Sinergije povezovanja so dale že prve uspešne rezultate.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

We have just launched the website for the strategic development & demonstration project “Home24h – The smart home of tomorrow, for a comfortable and healthy living and working environment”.

Home24h is an integrative project for developing & demonstrating products (of renowned Slovene companies) used in the smart buildings of tomorrow, developing appropriate business models for marketing, and developing & demonstrating a new concept of living and working in a home in use 24 hours a day.

Considering the recent growing need for teleworking, the multimodal living concept – that allows users to use the building as both a home and a workplace at the same time – is particularly interesting.

At TECES we are very proud of our role in the Home24h project. We have been actively participating in the project since the initial outline and design of the partnership. We coordinated all activities to prepare the project proposal for the public call, and are now responsible for coordinating the project’s implementation, as well as monitoring its progress and meeting of targets.

logo MGRT ESRRTECES je bil v januarju 2017 kot nosilec prijave na javni razpis za izbor operacij »Podpora strateškim razvojno inovacijskim partnerstvom (SRIP) na prioritetnih področjih pametne specializacije Slovenije« izbran za nosilca vzpostavitve SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo (SRIP PSiDL).

Glavnina aktivnosti je bila v zadnjih mesecih tako usmerjena v aktivnosti vzpostavitve SRIP, pridobivanja članov ter pripravo akcijskega načrta za področje Pametnih stavb in doma z lesno verigo. Akcijski načrt predstavlja pregled zmogljivosti in potenciala članov SRIP PSiDL na področju pametnih stavb in doma z lesno verigo, podaja fokusna področja in usmeritve, v katera bodo člani usmerjali svoje investicije v letih 2022 ter kjer ima Slovenija potencial za vstop na globalne trge.

Akcijski načrt hkrati predstavlja podlage, na osnovi katerih bo med drugim prišlo do nadaljnjega osredotočanja fokusnih področij in tesnejšega usklajevanja razvojnih politik z državo.

As from October 2020, TECES has been conducting a feasibility study on ways of developing smart deployable infrastructure or Smart Deployable Camps (SmartCamp) under a public procurement contract for the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (MoD).

The aim of the R&D study is to analyse the state of technology and relevant global trends in SmartCamps, with a focus on research & development, and the technological and innovation capacities of Slovenian stakeholders. It also aims to define a vision, development strategy and draft concept for a specific plan of implementation for SmartCamps for the next 10 years.

TECES s ciljem krepitve sinergije med člani in podpore aktivnostim na področjih delovanja partnerstva TECES / SRIP PSiDL usmerja 125.000 € v podporo teh aktivnosti. Podprte aktivnosti morajo biti skladne usmeritvam partnerstva na področjih krepitve skupnega razvoja in raziskav, razvojno strateških (dobavnih) verig vrednosti med nosilci verig, dobavitelji in uporabniki rešitev, internacionalizacije, mednarodnega sodelovanja in prepoznavnosti ter usposabljanja in izobraževanja zaposlenih.

On the 30th anniversary of independent Slovenia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCI) has prepared a selection of the most ground-breaking economic achievements. The project Home24h - Smart Home of the Future for a comfortable and healthy living environment, whose partnership is coordinated by TECES was also included.

TECES participated during the ideation of the ground-breaking project idea, establishment of consortium and coordination of the project application submission. The Slovenian CCI selection confirmed the importance of the project, which combines technological solutions of 12 Slovenian companies into a conceptual uniform building.

The project pursues the goals of sustainable construction and at the same time provides a smart, connectable, and user-friendly advanced living and working environment. The selection also confirms the 20 years long synergistic role of TECES as a link between companies and research organizations in creation of breakthrough projects.

Project Home24h in the Company of the Best Economic Achievements

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of independent Slovenia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia set up an outdoor photographic exhibition, at which the Slovenia's economic progress during its independence is presented. TECES is proud that the project Home24h - Smart Home of the Future for a comfortable and healthy living environment is also included. The Home 24h is displayed on a large billboard on the platform in front of the CCI building entrance in Ljubljana.

We are extremely pleased that the importance of the Home24h project, which combines the technological solutions of 12 Slovenian companies into a conceptual and uniform building, has been recognized and confirmed in this way. On the one hand, project ensures sustainable construction, and on the other hand, a smart, connectable, and user-friendly advanced living and working environment is provided.

Home24h is a Modern Residential and Business Building for The Future

Home24h combines several modes under one roof: living in a single-family house, doing work from home, and active spending of free time. The residential building is fully energy and information managed and supplied, connected to the environment on several levels, represents the basic cell of electro-mobility, follows the goals of a net zero-energy building, built-in devices and appliances are connected to the cloud (Internet of Things) and digital twin. With these characteristics, the residential building can be integrated into smart energy contracting as part of the wider local environment.

Home24h represents a visionary solution for future living, especially in the light of climate changes, digitalization trends in the business world and private life, and last but not least in the light of epidemiological experiences.

Partnership on a Tour to the Construction Site

The easing of the epidemiological situation enabled the Home24h consortium to hold the regular, now 21st meeting of the Project Council in the old manner, ie live. The Project Council is an important consultative body and includes representatives of all 12 partners. The TECES as project coordinator on a monthly basis provides the guidance and monitoring of the implementation of planned activities, follows the project objectives to achieve the set results.

As the coordinator we are proud that after 28 months of project implementation, the planned steps and the set plan is fully meet. Project management, of course, requires minor corrections as well as the management of any major tectonic shifts. However, the coordinator envisages all this in the risk management activities incorporated in the very logic of implementation of such a large and complex project.

TECES Home24h Collage 2021

Photo: Partnership on location of Home24h, Limbuš, Maribor, Slovenia

Most of the construction, assembly and integrative works will be completed this year. Next year the activities that will ensure that Dom24h will truly be a smart home are to be completed. If we draw the line under the current project management, we can say that the Home24h project is successful and exemplary managed and coordinated by the TECES as coordinator in cooperation with the leading partner of Marles House Maribor, d.o.o.

The confirmation of stated was received at the Home24h building construction location. After a successful Project Council meeting the Home24h construction site was visited by the consortium for the first time. Under the expert guidance of Marles hiše Maribor, the partner representatives got acquainted with the current state of construction.

The building itself and its furnishings are very impressive and only on site they come to life. The object presented in the project documentation is something completely different than on site visit, where seeing and feeling already integrated solutions is possible.

Coffee Invitation

We are already looking forward to witnessing the next phase and furnishing, when after a meeting in the business part of the building, in the residential part on the stove with built-in hood, we will make a coffee and drink it with our partners on the landscaped outdoor terrace.



V marcu 2019 je vlada ustanovila Delovno skupino za podporo izvajanju Slovenske strategije pametne specializacije (S4), ki se je prvič sestala 19. aprila 2019 s ciljem pregleda izvajanja in analize napredka implementacije S4. Ugotovitev delovne skupine je bila, da je v prvih treh letih izvajanja strategije pametne specializacije opazen kvalitativen napredek, vendar je potrebno izvajanje še poglobiti in pospešiti. To daje vsem nosilcem in koordinatorjem strateških razvojnih inovacijskih partnerstev (SRIP) dodatno spodbudo konkretizaciji zastavljenih aktivnosti in krepitvi strateških razvojnih partnerstev ter prenovi akcijskih načrtov. Tudi v partnerstvu SRIP Pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo bo v letu 2019 skupaj s člani potekala prenova poslovno-razvojne strategije in akcijskega načrta znotraj na področjih skupnega razvoja in verig vrednosti, internacionalizacije in podpore razvoju kadrov.

V sredo, 29. maja 2019, smo v Mariboru izvedli prvi posvet članov, ki je bil namenjen pregledu potreb in zmožnostim mikro, malih in srednjih podjetij članov TECES / SRIP PSiDL. V sproščenem pogovoru je bilo največ zaznanega interesa usmerjeno v iskanje možnosti podpore partnerstva na področjih skupnega razvoja in verig vrednosti. Največji izziv podjetjem predstavlja zahteva po vedno večji povezljivosti in integraciji rešitev v vertikalnih verigah vrednosti v navezavi na IoT (Internet of Things) in z njim povezano digitalizacijo. Izpostavljena je bila tudi potreba povečanja promocije medsebojno uspešnih zgodb članov in rezultatov sodelovanja.

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